Development success is not goal at vaccine development


As people in the world know, Pfizer and BioNTech succeded to develop the Covid-19 vaccine last year. Admisistration of the vaccine has already started in some countries.

Dr. Ugur Sahin, CEO in BioNTech, got interviewed by Bloomberg and explained the future plan of BioNTech. The comany need to increase the manufacturing facility to supply more vaccine doses with people who are requiring the vaccine. However, the company is struggling the plan to increase the manufacturing facility because it depends on how much there will be the demand for the vaccine in the future.

From YouTube video, we can undestand that the development sccess is not goal at vaccine development and bio-technology company has to continue to supply products with people who are requring their products. Please check the video if you want to know the detail.



JJ (Japanese Blogger)

I was born in Japan, and I’m working in Japan. My interest things are statistics, health and Japanese culture. I post news about Japan for travelers.